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MOLD OMEN – Worse for the Where CS


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Baltimore duo Mold Omen has been consistently cranking out quality cassettes on numerous labels for over a decade now. While often exploring widely-divergent sonic dimensions with each successive magnetic transmission, Mold Omen’s approach to recording seems strikingly consistent – loosely improvised executions of focused pre-conceived ideas and structures.

Worse for the Where melds sub-aquatic bass rumble and feedback with saturated sax, guitars, and keys.  In this sound world, buried industrial sounds easily rub elbow to elbow with jerky keyboard rhythms, conjuring a bizarre amalgam of early Konstruktivists and Blues Control.  Art includes one of kind collage covers with pasted on diagrams from 1970s stitch books.

Weight 0.055 kg
SKU: 240800025 Category: Tag:


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